Thursday, July 21, 2011

How do I ask the Salt Lake City, Utah residents for help?

I am hoping that you can help us. We just moved from California to give a better life to our 3 kids age 9, 7 and 1. We are staying in a 5th wheel trailer at a KOA camp until we close on our house. Everything that we own was in a storage unit by the airport. On Sat. June 23, 2011, we went to go put some stuff in our storage unit only to find that we had been robbed. All of our family air looms, kids toys, most of our clothes, my husband’s tools, all of our hunting, fishing and camping equipment even our silverware and files are gone. Anything that was in a box is gone. We have lived in California, in some not so nice areas and have never had anything like this happen to us. The storage facility has gone over video tape to see if they can catch the person, however they are telling us that there is nothing they can do about any of our things and they are not liable. The storage found the man who took all of our things as well as 7 other storage units and the police will not do anything. They have told us they will assign a detective in 10 to 12 days. I had hoped that Utah would be a better place then what we have experienced. I do not care about most of the things. I only want to try to get the family air looms back. Some of those have been in our family for 4 generations. Please if there is anything that you could do to help that would be wonderful. Thank you.

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