Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is this a reason to get fired? Reassure me please,Dunno why but i'm freaking out?

I'm 28 and i'm in cellular sales and make like $50k a yr..been with the company for almost 5 yrs and I would say #s wise I'm the best sales man in company..I sold the most phones the past 3 yrs and i'm on pace for that this yr as well...And i'm pretty close with my manager..we know when to back off when were not in a good mood...Well my fiance ended up basically cheating on me and this has hit me so hard..We've been together for 11 LONG years and we have a house together...I have days where im ok and have days where im rock bottom...And i did tell my manager we did break up 2 weeks ago...Right now I dunno who i am, my mind is wandering..basically I'm messed up right now...and that day was really hard on me...So i was quiet and didn't really talk..i was just really down...well the trainer came down i guess and i said a few things to her and then just stood there and was just thinking...and my manager came to floor asked me to sit by her and i said well im comfy over here (joking around) but i guess she took that like a smart *** remark... and when i sat near her she asked whats wrong is everything ok..i just looked down and said ya everythings fine (didnt want to pour everything at her on sales floor) then the trainer apparently thought i had an attitude and didnt want to participate on what they were trying to my manager took me in back after trainer left and said she was disappointed in me and how shes really upset right now and doesn't want to talk about it..i tried to tell her about whats going on with me and she raised her hand and said ROB i do not want to talk about it...then says I want u to think about this over the weekend and we will talk on monday about this...I am so worried that they may release me because of this...but right now like i said my head is f'ed u right now...i cant think straight and I have no idea who i am...that day before work i was balling my *** off...i was sitting in my car for an hr and half just listening to music...I'm coming in 30 mins early so i can sit with my manager and pour her everything about whats going on and i'm hoping she also going to try to take a week off and travel to connecticut to visit my family..I'm just not myself and i had no intentions on giving an attitude to anyone...What u guys think do I have anything to worry about?

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