Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I sprayed pepper spray in the face of a pregnant woman. Can she file assault charges against me?

Now before you leap to conclusions, she’s black, and I thought that she was going to rob me because I was in line at a hamburger place in a bit of a lower class city (Manhattan), and I didn’t know anybody there, and I was already on edge because I had just been fired from my job (not my fault, my boss is an ***), so I was just really uptight and anxious. Anyways, she tapped me on the shoulder and said something to me (I think she asked if I was in line?), I turned around and realized that she was black, so I got scared, and I sprayed the pepper spray in her face. She fell backwards and started screaming, and that’s when I realized that she was pregnant. So, I did the only reasonable thing to do, I took off my blouse and put it over her face, I ran out of the place and hopped in my Ford Explorer (god bless America) SUV, and drove off. Now, I didn’t go around telling people my name or my email address or anything, but I think that I saw one of the woman’s “homies” writing down my license plate number. What should I Do? Can she sue me for assault or something? It’s not my fault, is it? It was an accident, I can’t be held responsible for my actions since it was a provoked attack, and I only responded out of fear. If anything, it was self defense and she could be held responsible for this, right?

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