Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ladies I asked this before but no answers: Would a man who was in jail for 12 years have a healthy realtionshi?

Everyone can change if they want to. But given his resume he has alit of baggage and personal issues he has to overcome b4 getting into a serious relationship.

PC build: amd build or Intel build?

The Athlon II is considerably slower than the Core i3. There's absolutely no reason to go with the Athlon II-based computer over an i3. Not unless price were an issue.

Are these parts compatible with each other for a custom pc build ?

Look good if its not for gaming... if it's for gaming i would recommend you to change ur processor on i5, and change your video card at least on RADEON 6570.

How big does my SSD need to be?

an SSD can lessen the turn up (load time) time for your OS by quite a few seconds. They are really not piratical just yet due primarily to expense and unknown failure rate. Those of us that have them are usually happy with them and knew what we were getting into before buying.

Arrested for larceny today help!?

I was arrested today for larceny, I don't even know what I did... It happened 5 years ago (whatever it was) and I was 17. They told me that I will be tried as an adult because of my age now?!? They won't even tell me what the offense was? Ideas?!? I'm in Arkansas if that helps.

Can the police charge my friend?

if he has any proof of threats take it to the school resource officer immediately. since they are threatening you the police will most likely throughout the case, also if the teacher saw him put it on the desk then he is golden. and since she left it on the bus, its not stealing

Can I sue my apartment complex?

I was held at gun point and robbed right outside my apartment. The main light by my apartment is not working, making it very dark. The guy hide in a dark corner waiting for someone to walk by. I contacted my apartment office and told them what happened. They said they would fix the light and get a security guard. When I moved in I was told that there was a guard on duty 24/7 but you never see a person just a car parked outside the gate. It's been a week since this has happened and the light still doesn't work and still no guard. Do I have a case to sue them? I don't feel safe walking outside my own house in the dark. Also the apartments advertise how safe the complex is but at lease 3 apartments from my building have been robbed.

I'm male, 55, divorce, always wanted 2B legal Australian as 2nd home, I work by phone so I won't take a job?

Austrailia's government is even more left wing loony tunes whackadoodle than ours. They actually admit to being Socialist.

Whats the best memory for me?

im building my 1st computer and i was wondering what is the better memory option is Corsair Dominator 24GB 1600 MHz CAS 9 DHX Triple Channel Desktop or Corsair Dominator GT 12GB DDR3 1866 MhzCAS 9 DHX XMP Fan Triple Channel Desktop my motherboard is an asus sabertooth x58 and prosseser is an intel i7 960 3.20 ghz they can both take up to 24gb of memory it says

Got caught shoplifting. first offence. 19. what are my options?

Do your time. Pay for what you have done. No need for a lawyer when you're clearly guilty. Although, when I was 17, I was caught shop lifting with over 200 bucks worth of merchandise. Since I was a minor, I was given a second chance and regret ever even doing it. You made the mistake and now have to pay for it. Thieves get caught eventually. As far as jail time, I don't think that's likely.

If i am being charged with a class a misdemeanor for petit larceny am i still able to join the navy?

i am a first time offender and have yet to go to court about this to see if i can get a lesser charge but i also have a parking ticket. im just wondering if my option of being able to join is still there.

Old friend in prison...?

I have a friend who has only recently been released from prison following a conviction for theft from his employer. One of the things that kept him going was knowing that there were people on the outside who still cared for him despite what he'd done and were prepared to write letters and visit when they could. Prison is a lonely, scary place and it's easy to get completely overwhelmed and lost in there. I am sure that this person would love to get letters from you, and even some visits if you can do that.

I need advice on custody.?

Ok so I'm 14 and I'm currently living with my mother. I would like to live with my father who lives about a half hour away. My mother has sole custody but my dad has visitation rights. My dad has been in jail for petty larceny and attempted grand larceny; he is out now and paying the phone bills of me and my 2 brothers but has not payed much child support before. I have a clean record when it comes to juvie or any runins with cops. I'm curious if I have any chance at all of getting to go with my father and if there's anything I can do to get the judge to rule in my favor. Thank you for all your help.

How do doctors not know about multiple prescriptions?? PLEASE HELP A FRIENDS MOTHER AND ME TRYING TO SAVE SON?

ok so one of my good friends back home i guess was arrested for robbery and larceny all kinds of stuff to support his addiction to pain killers and his mom called me to tell me about everything that happened and asking if he called if i could talk to him and she told me that his fiancee was going around to like 8 different doctors getting prescriptions for oxycontin from each of them and me and his mom where both wondering how n the heck did none of these doctors not know about each other? or is it that the only way the doctors find out is if they call or email the pharmacy asking them if the person is getting multiple prescriptions? so if his fiancee was a good actor and liar and never gave them reason to suspect anything then the doctors would never find out. is that how it works where the doctor has to request the info in order to find out and its not sent out automatically or is it vise versa please let me know cuz we are really hoping to find a way to help him out of this addiction and ways to keep him from getting them again

If u know any please help!!! 10 pts?

I remember back in the olden days of the 1980's, I'd sit down with a dictionary and a thesaurus to do these.

Should I move in or keep looking?

Im about to move into this beautiful apartment, I was shown the unit and was told that my unit will be in the back of a huge 19 building complex(Im in building 18) but then I read the reviews for the apartment complex and they were terrible, see for yourself Drug dealers, loud teenagers,poor maintenance, etc not to far away, theres a really bad neighborhood and it is said that the punks from that neighborhood comes into the complex to rob from homes and cars. I live on the second floor and my apartment is all the way in the back, so im wondering if I should risk it. I wont lie or sugarcoat if I could I would find another place but Im a full time college student with a part time job. I dont qualify for affordable living, which are beautiful affluent homes with low prices because, and I quote "Im a full time student, not on welfare and not a single father of at least two kids". So what Im asking is should I just take the risk living there, because its terrible, but trust me when I say, this week alone I've seen much worse.

It's Matthssye's fault he got robbed again?

he should have knocked devon out he was robbed against judah and should have know better to let the fight go 12 in stl

Whats the name of this movie i think its called the legend of... (something)?

ok so it basically is this movie bout this guy(not sure his name so ill refer to him as jack) so jack is a nobody and gets dissed in a bar by this plumber dude and his buddy and then jack tells this other guy hes a hitman and pretends like hes going to kill the plumber dude but incedentally the buff plumber was coming home from a date after he had just eaten some bad oysters and dies and jack thinks he did it and makes everyone think he did at the end he robs a gas station and flees because he thought the cops were looking for him but of course they werent and he runs and eventually dies in the woods but everyone else thinks he survived and escaped and still believed he was the one who killed the guy... please god somebody help me i saw this movie and couldnt stop laughing and ive been searching for it for over 2 yrs now somebody plz help me...

How much jail time could you get for grand larceny and conspiracy of grand larceny?

Sentencing depends on several things, including prior criminal history, the type of grand larceny and even the mood the judge is in on the day of sentencing, if this is a first offense then you are probably looking at a fine, probation for an extended period and possibly some time in county jail, if you have prior convictions then 3 to 5 in state prison.~

Would you consider this person to be a good man?

God is a god of forgiveness and second chances. All He asks is that we accept His sacrifice for our sins, and He will be faithful and just to forgive us. Sounds like Eddie learned that, and lived it up until the end. Very courageous of him.

Video game with rob zombie songs?

ok when I was younger my uncle would play a game and he called it rob zombie cause it had all rob zombie songs. in the begining you are in a room and when you walk out there is a purple-ish girl zombie laying on a operation table. this has bugged me for the longest time.

How many more flash mobs of nonwhites beating and robbing before someone says enough?

Isn't it time for the people to get guns and ropes and take out these feral animals. They are unfit for human habitation.

What will i get charged with.?

im on probation and i just got charged with larceny from a vehicle. what do you think my sentencing will be.? i live in michigan.

Awesome Rock/Metal bands?

My favorite bands are system of a down, powerman 5000, rob zombie, and slipknot so if you know good bands like them please tell me :D i don't really like Korn and disturbed though so don't suggest those

Experienced advice needed on workout routines?

if i were in your situation i would alternate but do one day cardio next day half cardio half weights

What are the advantages of faster ram?

today, I swapped my generic 6 gb of 1333 MHz generic ram, for 12 gb of 1600 MHz corsair dominators for $300. They are supposedly overclockable to like 2100 MHz or something like that. What are the real advantages of such high end ram like that. Even if I overclock it fully, will I notice a difference? I use adobe cs5.5 suite mostly.

Where can I get a traffic cone?

LOL, ive had the same problem, and we just stole one from the side of the road one night. So i guess you know what im telling you

Do you agree with this statement by Obama?

Ummmmm Is this all one quote by Obama? what part of this is Obama's statement and which part is yours.

In the movie Home Alone, why did the camera guy film instead of calling the cops?

This has been bugging me for a while. In Home Alone the camera guy just filmed what was happening and didn't call the cops. I'm confused about why he didn't just call the cops? A kid was home alone and his house was robbed, so why didn't the guy filming call the cops?

My girlfriend wont wear heels but thats the start of it read the whole thing please?

See i have this masive thing for feet and a huger thing for heels and a humongo thing for when girls make dinner and stomp on it but my gf refuses to wear heels!!! or do any of these things how will i cope!!! Should I just give all this up for her!!! i mean my life revolves around these things. aHelp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should I rob a word bank also she is magical like lucky charms or a lizard somthing like that in i need help!

I have a warrant for larceny and need to find out how to get rid of it?

I tried to give the car back to the buy here pay here place and they told me to take back fix it and then give it to them i had it towed next thing i know im being charged with larceny

Friday, July 22, 2011

Will this work as a computer?

You still need a power supply and maybe some disk drives. Other than that, those are some good products. But for the processor, check out the AMD Phenom II 1100T. Better processor for less money. (Sorry if you already bought the other). Also, you might want to purchase a disk drive.

Will all these specs fit and work together? final check.?

Looks good from here, no conflicts. Just be aware that OEm DVD burners don't include any software like Nero or Roxio. If you want that, get a retail burner for a few bucks more.

If I have the cooling system and motherboard to hold my system stable, what's wrong with a VCore of 1.6 volts?

The heat isn't the only problem with higher voltages. A high voltage can actually cause the CPU to slowly degrade until it breaks.

Malachi 3:8, who is or was it applicable to?

New testament believers are obligated to give in order to support the work of the Lord both at home and on the mission field

Larceny in a Building charge?

Talk to the people that are pressing it. Bite your tongue and be overly nice. They will probably drop it if you learned your "lesson". It is stupid but you may be able to fix it by putting your pride aside. Sometimes tearful airheadedness does it. Other times it is a soulful apology. Hopefully you haven't dug too deep of a hole.

Rate my computer specs?

I am not a Gamer, but a system builder, you put a few bottlenecks in with 7200 RPM drives when you can get 10,000 RPM drives,( could have used 10,000 RPM dives in a RAID config.) but not that size, PSU I agree could be bigger, I possibly would have used an SSD drive as a C:\ drive to boot the system (Operating System , Anti Virus and system files only) 16GB of memory probably an over kill. Rate: 7 /10

Gaming computer help!!!?

Don't get the sandy bridge processor it has DRM built into it and may cause you major problems. Other wise looks good.

How much trouble am i in?

You're in some serious trouble man. I'm not trying to scare you i'm just saying it like it is. I would leave the country now while you still can. The Canadian border is a lot less secure than the Mexican border. You might want to try that. Good luck.

What does it mean when i keep having dreams of being robbed?

maybe you feel like you can't keep a hold of yourself because of how other people are depleting your resources. The different scenarios may mean that there are a lot of different people pulling you in different directions but ultimately make you feel the same.

What can happen for a first time misdemeanor larceny charge in North Carolina for a minor?

I am a minor (17) and am very remorseful for doing this. I was caught stealing in Wal-Mart for a total of $17.94 and am wondering what the consequences could be when I go to court? Also, do I need an attorney, lawyer, or any kind of paperwork for my court date?

Where to plug the corsair h60 fan on the motherboard?

If this fan is for cooling the CPU plug it into the CPU fan slot, even if its a 3 pin it will still work, if its not for the processor (CPU) then it can go anywhere.

Is this a good gaming computer?

For a gaming computer, you'd be better off getting an i5 2500k. It even beats the i7 990x when it comes to gaming. It's the best gaming chip available and it's such greatly priced. So you'd need a good lga 1155 p67 motherboard. It also overclocks so easily and can reach 4.5ghz on air. It'll be much cheaper and better than any i7 for gaming. Also, I like SSD's but their price doesn't justify their performance e for me. Yea you can put the OS on the ssd and shave like 8 seconds off boot time, but that isn't worth it in my opinion. Save the money and get a better video card like the 560 ti.

Tenants broke into a building they did not rent (located next to the house they did rent) and took the?

landlord's generator without his knowledge or consent. Tenants had the landlord arrested the day before falsely for stalking and barred from the property. Tenants did not have a key to this building, did not pay electricity on this building, building had a business license from the county as a body shop, tenants broke the lock on the building to get the generator, landlord had moved generator to the property they rented and set up generator for tenants once before during electric outage but moved generator back to body shop and locked it up, tenants did not know how to set up generator, electricity was not out when tenants took the generator. They were caught with the generator in their possession (in the garage that they did rent, 50 feet from the body shop they did not rent) by the landlord and police escort who had returned to check on the property. The police escort made the landlord move the generator back to the body shop. When the landlord pressed charges against the tenants for breaking and entering and grand larceny, the police had landlord arrested for perjury because the tenants did not intend to permanently deprive landlord of generator and because they only moved the generator 50 feet. Does it seem from the information listed here that the tenants did not intend to permanently deprive the landlord of his generator and that landlord should have been arrested for perjury when he swore that the tenants broke the lock on his property and took his generator?

I was just curious if a GeForce GTS 250 graphics card will work with a Corsair VX450W Power supply-450W PSU?

I have the computer model ET1331G (emachines) and i would like to upgrade my graphics card. I was just curious if these to combined would work and if not what will? Thank you for your time!

Big problem on street?

There's is an apartment behind out street and the people have made a walk way through it and there has been nothing but trouble since. Almost everybouse on the street has been broken into and worst. The other day they called a pizza guy to a house and robbed the pizza man. People are scared to Even come out the house becuase of these people. They come in big gangs sometimes and really threaten us. What can I do? Or we do? I live in baton rouge, La. They police comes like once a month and lives after 5 minities. What's next?

Co-Signing for a vehicle?

I recently co-signed for a thought to be friend on a car. Everything was great up until this point. After I co-signed everything changed she became rude and even assisted her spouse in robbing me. I have called the finance company and they told me that I could not remove my name from the car until the car was paid for. They told me that since I owned the car as much as she does that I could take possession of the car. I do not want to take the car from her because she did trade her old car in on the new one and taking the car will leave her without a car at all. But I can't understand why this has happened. She has not paid anything on the car other than the trade-in which they only allowed her $1000.00 for it. I guess that she was using me because her and her spouse wanted to buy a car but no one one would approve them (even the buy here pay here car lots). So I have like two options (1) take possession of the car and finish paying for the car or sell the car or (2) leave it alone and hope that she keeps insurance on the car and actually pays for it. Anyone know what should I do? I know that I should not have co-signed for her in the first place but for some reason I always get in trouble trying to help others. Please tell me what I should do because I have no idea-- but it will not quit bothering me.

I am looking for a specific computer!?

Just build it yourself, it'll also help you out if you can troubleshoot your own PC. Although i would get a Gigabyte or ASUS board and a full tower case (to give you extra room for future upgrades).

Is a 600 Watt PSU enough to power all this?

I would say it would probably work, although I wouldnt not reccomend it because of all the stuff you've got in it. I'd recommend a 800 850 something like that to power it good, bbut it should work until then.

Question concerning nyserda appliance swap this past year?

I rented an apartment in NYS. The landlord called in to the appliance program to get a free fridge and was told he did not qualify. He put the request in our name, we qualified. Now, when we moved, we took the new fridge, since the old one had been taken and destroyed. Our landlord wants us to replace the one that was taken. Are we responsible? The new fridge was done with a signed contract with us as the owners. The landlord wants to have us arrested for grand larceny and a state trooper told us it can't happen. Its a civil matter. Question again, are we responsible to get them a new fridge?

Do you think a lot of Americans are this hard up for healthcare?

OMG how sad!!! Yes Americans are getting THIS desperate. My dad parked his car at my grandma's house on Fathers day it was daytime around 11 am. He came back from errands and saw that 1/2 of a tank of gas was gone!! Someone siphoned out the gas. People are getting real desperate right now. These are the worst times I am living in since I have been born.

How many days do you serve in the state of Virginia for a misdemeanor?

If you are found guilty of a misdemeanor larceny in the state of Virginia and sentenced to 360 days with 240 days suspended, then how much of the 120 days (360-240=120) would you have to do? Would you do all of the 120 days or only half, 60 days, since it is a misdemeanor?

I live in New York, and have a legal question.?

My brother was lent an item from a friend and he ended up selling it to a store in our local mall. He was then charged with PETIT LARCENY. I want to know if he was charged correctly and if he has any legal loop holes that he can use.


ok so one of my good friends back home i guess was arrested for robbery and larceny all kinds of stuff to support his addiction to pain killers and his mom called me to tell me about everything that happened and asking if he called if i could talk to him and she told me that his fiancee was going around to like 8 different doctors getting prescriptions for oxycontin from each of them and me and his mom where both wondering how n the heck did none of these doctors not know about each other? or is it that the only way the doctors find out is if they call or email the pharmacy asking them if the person is getting multiple prescriptions? so if his fiancee was a good actor and liar and never gave them reason to suspect anything then the doctors would never find out. is that how it works where the doctor has to request the info in order to find out and its not sent out automatically or is it vise versa please let me know cuz we are really hoping to find a way to help him out of this addiction and ways to keep him from getting them again

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Guy Problems? Please help!?

It does seem like Tom likes you but doesn't want you to know it. Rob definitely seems like he's obsessed with you. Tom seems very mature and like a nice guy, so, I would pursue him. Act more flirty, ask him to hang out, etc. And as for Rob, drop him and try to avoid him.

I need help nowwwwwww?

Ok so I'm 14 and I'm currently living with my mother. I would like to live with my father who lives about a half hour away. My mother has sole custody but my dad has visitation rights. My dad has been in jail for petty larceny and attempted grand larceny; he is out now and paying the phone bills of me and my 2 brothers but has not payed much child support before. I feel that he is a capable parent because he's married and already has two children that he takes care of. I have a clean record when it comes to juvie or any runins with cops. I'm curious if I have any chance at all of getting to go with my father and if there's anything I can do to get the judge to rule in my favor. Thank you for all your help.

Is This PC Configuration Good?

It's good, and in fact it may be a bit overpowered (do you really need a 3,2 GHz quad core? Will you fully utilize it, or will it idle most of the time?). However, if you're aiming the build for gaming, consider a more powerful graphics card. The 5670 is last-gen material, and it's from the "mainstream" segment. Consider a 5770 or perhaps a 6750.

I don't understand which graphics card is which?

Ok so i planned on getting a GeForce 9800 GTX with a PSU of Corsair VX450W Power supply - 450 Watt.... However when i looked up the Geforce graphics card way to many options appeared, Ones with random letters before the title or some had a plus at the end, and some said 512mb while others said 1g. Now i dont really know much about all these indications so if someone could just help me figure this out before i make a bad purchase i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

How long will he go to jail if he does?

My brother is 19, has no respect for my mother. He still lives at home. No job, No car, No school and a kid which dss is now in the picture. I'm married with 5 kids. He is facing a couple charges at the moment.. all together he has Speeding, Felony Breaking and Entering. Felony Larceny after B&E. Aiding and Abetting. And last one assault with by strangulation with his babys mom. She is a complete fool and is trying to drop the charges, but the thing is the cops pressed the charges not her. They have pictures and statements from her. He goes to court in the morning for all 3 Felonys. the thing is.. They are going for a probable cause hearing with the B&E and Larceny. this is the second one they didn't have proof the first one. So do you think he will be going to jail for any amount of time? me myself and I prays he does but idk. He needs to get away from the crappy friends he has been hanging around and maybe will come out a man.. He is no longer allowed to see any of my 5 kids

What do you think of this passage?

"I will tell you a pleasant tale which has in it a touch of pathos. A man got religion, and asked the priest what he must do to be worthy of his new estate. The priest said, "Imitate our Father in Heaven, learn to be like him." The man studied his Bible diligently and thoroughly and understandingly, and then with prayers for heavenly guidance instituted his imitations. He tricked his wife into falling downstairs, and she broke her back and became a paralytic for life; he betrayed his brother into the hands of a sharper, who robbed him of his all and landed him in the almshouse; he inoculated one son with hookworms, another with the sleeping sickness, another with gonorrhea; he furnished one daughter with scarlet fever and ushered her into her teens deaf, dumb, and blind for life; and after helping a rascal seduce the remaining one, he closed his doors against her and she died in a brothel cursing him. Then he reported to the priest, who said that that was no way to imitate his Father in Heaven. The convert asked wherein he had failed, but the priest changed the subject and inquired what kind of weather he was having, up his way." --- Mark Twain, Letters From the Earth

Please help with reloading data question?

I have an unopened pound can of Hodgdon H 450 powder. I am having problems finding reload data for this powder. It is my understanding that it was discontinued some years back. Several people have told me that this is an excellent powder for medium cartridges. I am reloading for a 30-06 and .257 Rob. I have been using IMR 4350 for both of these. Any help on where I can find this data would be appreciated.

Good trade? NBA 2k11?

I'm the Washington Wizards (No fantasy draft) in association mode. I'm pretty sure I just robbed the Bobcats. They gave me Stephen Jackson for Jordan Crawford and next years 1st round pick. Was this a good trade?

What rhymes with....?

Hey Jiggy, writing a rap song are we? Is'nt there enough negativity in the rap genre these days. Why don't you write a happy rap song. LoL

Charges were dropped but they are still showing up... What do I do?

May 15th, 2010 I went to court on a larceny in the 6th degree incedent. I never had to see the judge and the prosecuter had me write a paper and go watch the court for 2 days. It was my only incedint with the police in my life and I learned my lesson. The charges were dropped and I got told it could take up to 13 months for the charges to dissapear from my record. Now I am applying for jobs and I have been told the charges are still showing up on my record. What do i do? They are suppose to not be there! Btw I am from CT.

Insert boot device problem?

If your disc is fine then its either your system bios settings are wrong (trying to boot off another optical drive if you have 2), the DVD drive is defective or it is not connected properly. Try the DVD drive on another machine and if it works then the motherboard may be defective.

Burglary and Larceny?

I recently found out that a friend of mine in the state of Idaho is getting ready to go to court for burglary and larceny. He is going to federal court because the crime took place on an air-force base. This happened back in March of 2010. He has never been in trouble, graduated high school, served 5 yrs active duty air-force and has been air national guard for the past 4 almost 5 yrs. He has never even had a speeding ticket. I was wondering if convicted and actually sentenced to prison instead of probation, what is that max for both charges. Remember its being considered from my understanding federal larceny and burglary. And if his lawyer would get it as theft and breaking and entering would the charges be less? Thanks for any answers you guys can give. I ask about if he is found guilty because to me his story makes him look guilty. But I do not actually know if he is or isn't.

How many times faster is an SSD in RAID 0 configuration?

I like my SSD, Things pop onto the screen instantly. I just have a 64GB ssd but windows7 makes it very easy to use 2 hard drives together so I put my things that need speed on the ssd and everything else on a regular 7200 rpm hdd.

Will they show the video of me stealing from a store in court?

I got arrested the other day for possession of alcohol, and 1` class misdemeanor larceny(stealing). I stole hairdye for my friend from rite aid. I'm 16. I am guilty, I know it for sure and I will in fact admit it in court. I will have a lawyer to speak for me. Will they show the video of me stealing the product?

Why when I told my mom I was dropping out she threatned to send me to a pysch?

hmm...well, it depends. how far away is hogwarts where you live? and what about money? language? you’d have to do a lot of stuff before you even buy your plane tickets. sorry, but, you might have to wait a while

How do I ask the Salt Lake City, Utah residents for help?

I am hoping that you can help us. We just moved from California to give a better life to our 3 kids age 9, 7 and 1. We are staying in a 5th wheel trailer at a KOA camp until we close on our house. Everything that we own was in a storage unit by the airport. On Sat. June 23, 2011, we went to go put some stuff in our storage unit only to find that we had been robbed. All of our family air looms, kids toys, most of our clothes, my husband’s tools, all of our hunting, fishing and camping equipment even our silverware and files are gone. Anything that was in a box is gone. We have lived in California, in some not so nice areas and have never had anything like this happen to us. The storage facility has gone over video tape to see if they can catch the person, however they are telling us that there is nothing they can do about any of our things and they are not liable. The storage found the man who took all of our things as well as 7 other storage units and the police will not do anything. They have told us they will assign a detective in 10 to 12 days. I had hoped that Utah would be a better place then what we have experienced. I do not care about most of the things. I only want to try to get the family air looms back. Some of those have been in our family for 4 generations. Please if there is anything that you could do to help that would be wonderful. Thank you.

Should Pat Barry file complaints?

Should he file complaints like Lesnar did? Dan Ugliotta robbed him of his victory, allowing Kongo to recover a little and start swinging wildly. While Pat should never have let down his guard down, the dumbass ref should have called the fight. He could have at least buttoned his shirt and covered his jiggly moobs while he danced around. Was he looking at someone in the crowd?

Sec.237a US immigration act?

grand larceny conviction in 1996, got 3yr "suspended" sentence, in 2010 immigration judge classifies as C.I.M.T. and offers voluntary departure. couldnt find an attorney to take case so i ended up accepting V.D.. now have found INA sec.237a, which says that a "single" C.I.M.T. has to be committed "within" 10yrs of gaining LPR. but I recieved LPR in 1975, so shouldnt i have been outside of removal proceeding timetable according to the INA sec. guidelines? had no other criminal convictions either!!

My computer is freezing, but it is not a normal freeze...?

Are you using the 32 bit version of iTunes on a 64 bit computer? If you are, try installing the 64 bit version and see if that fixes it

Will this work as a computer?

You still need a power supply and maybe some disk drives. Other than that, those are some good products. But for the processor, check out the AMD Phenom II 1100T. Better processor for less money. (Sorry if you already bought the other). Also, you might want to purchase a disk drive.

Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal?

What's required in order to get an ACD? My friend got arrested for shoplifting and is being charged with petit larceny.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Can getting arrested years ago affect you now?

Yes, getting arrested years ago will affect you now. Your arrest will be on your police record permanently unless you take steps to get it removed. Different states have different laws, so check with a local attorney about getting your record expunged. It may cost, but in the long run it will be worth the time, effort, and money. You are right to be concerned. Good luck!

Job offer with shoplifting background?

I don't think petty larceny is a felony... Its a misdemeanor. But you can probably get a lawyer to help you clean up your record in time for your job hunting.

What happens when you are arrested while on probation for theft?

my sister was arrested last november for larceny. in march she was arrested again for petty theft. She got off the first time and had to do a Diversion Program. Then they changed it to 9 months probation. She was arrested again, even with this first offense being thrown out... will she go to jail?

Pistol permit fresh off probation?

I'm 22 and currently living in NW Connecticut. I'm on probation for non-violent larceny (took a monitor from my old school around two years ago cause I was being an idiot) and before that I was on probation because I was with a "friend" when he took an xbox from best buy and lied to protect him. Both of these probations are the type where I was never actually convicted, and after they are over I won't have a criminal record, just an arrest record. When I was 18, I bought a rifle at walmart to target shoot with, but transferred it to a shop after about a year. During this second probation, I've gotten my act together. Ive never had an issue at probation, and my PO really likes me. Im going to school for nursing, and I'd never think of stealing again, but my question is this: I want to get my pistol permit after November when my probation is over - not so much just for self defense but so that I'll have my own pistol to shoot with my two army friends when we go to the ranges. Do you think the process will go smoothly, or does anyone forsee any problems?

Can one fly to St. Lucia with a criminal record?

If you are going there for a vacation I doubt sincerly if they check the criminal records of every tourist. Stop worrying about it.

What does it mean to have a dream that you are dating a married man?

I had a dream last night that I met this guy and we kissed and we were really attracted to each other. Then he told me that he was married and I asked him how long he had been married and he said 2 months(it seemed like this wasn't the first time we had met though). Then I went back to work and the store I work at got robbed at gunpoint.

What happens to you when you get 1 count of larceny and 1 count of Breaking & Entering And your a minor?

im 14 and might get charged with 1 count of larceny and one count of B&E. if the guy presses charges whats gunna happen? Im in North Carolina By the way.

Petit Larceny Questions?

I think you first problem is you keep making this seem as if it's all the fault of the Walmart scan. Then you talking about emotional problems. Why are you trying to plead a insanity defense or what. It's shoplifting, woman up already and go pay the fine or request a trial.

What should I do? I am a victim of grand larceny and the police will not help!?

About one week ago, I had lost a very valuable scarf made of rare mink, and filed a police report with details from the incident. It is valued at $1000 by a fur dealer who appraised it (it is a valuable family possession, now lost). In New York that is considered grand larceny (amounts over 1000) but was originally written up as Petit Larceny, and not sure if they changed it after I told them the amount. I had dropped it and one person stole it off the ground. I confronted them and they ran away to take a cab home. I have the cab license number, and all cabs here have GPS in them, as well as option to pay with credit cards. It is easy to find out where the person lives based on the GPS, finding the driver from the medallion number, and if they paid by credit card, their name would appear. Then they could search their place, plus any surveillance to identify the people in addition to my description. As far as I know to this point it was NOT assigned to a detective, and the police said they will not do anything about it anymore. WTF! What do I do? They said I can come in and talk to a that is going to help. I feel this was handled very poorly and with a little bit of work, it is possible to find these people. help!

Song from The Hot Chick?

When April and Jessica(well rob schneider) walk into the prom there's some song playing like "hey hey hey hey hey hey oh na na na" or something... It's a guy singer? Help?!

Ryan miller pads?????????????????????????

what kind of leg pads does ryan miller use? I know he used the reebok larcenies for a while but it looks like he changed?

Does the army do background checks?

Yes, the Army does background checks. Your recruiter checks locally in all areas you claimed to have lived or worked in the past three years and they also check all areas you admit to having a criminal charge in. In addition to that, when you go to enlist at the Military Entry Processing Station they scan your fingerprints and go through the FBI database. In case you're thinking of hiding a charge don't do it. You can get a waiver for your charges as long as none of them were felony or drug convictions. Also, if the charge was dismissed you still have to reveal the charge but it won't be held against you if your paperwork shows you was wrongfully charged. On the other hand, if you lie and don't reveal the charge and the Army finds out later you will be discharged for fraudulent enlistment.

How Do You Catch A Thief?

My brother and I are trying to catch a thief that robbed us today or last night. Our family went to our Lake House at 5:30pm.We came home at 2:30 and when we saw our house ransacked, we called the police immediately. Our dad left about 30 minutes later. They took an Xbox 360, 2 Xbox controllers, my brothers laptop, Cod BO, MW2, and a Wii. We think it's our next door neighbors because they've snuck into our hOuse before and robbed us before. One of them already has a criminal record too when the other doesn't. They are brother and sister while the brother is a drug dealer. He delivers to another drug dealer up the street. Our neighbors suspected something was going on. We need a lot of help because it's our stuff they stole and we want it back. Can you give us any ideas. We are going to Gamestop to tell them if anyone comes in selling a Xbox360 2 controllers a Wii and BO and MW2 that those were stolen.

Can i use s.o.l if ive had pretrials but failed to go to my trial for breaking and entering?

i have over 45 charges of bne during the day and larceny over 250 my last court date was to take the deal the d.a gave me which was 2 years but i failed to show up.... the statute of limitations doesnt apply here???

A computer I want to build?

The specs are fine. The price is reasonable. In fact you can also go for something cheaper which involves stepping down to something like a Win 7 32Bit OEM and to a dual core even. So yeah its really a case whether you can afford it or not, if money is no object then I'd go for this Core i5 Quad Core its definitely going to be worth it.

Building PC! Advices please!?

You need a new power supply. 350W is not enough for any of that and more than likely doesn't even have a 6-pin PCI-E power connector. If you try and plug a graphics card in without one of those when it needs one, your computer won't even start up most of the time. 600W or better should suffice and give you some breathing room for extra components. Don't skimp on the power supply or you'll pay for it later. Get a good brand like Antec, OCZ, Corsair, etc. and make sure it's got 80% efficiency or better at least.

What do you think of this funny football story?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is this a good build for editing?

The biggest thing for rendering is the CPU. I'd personnaly go for an Intel i5 or i7 if you have the money. Although any quad-core processor is really decent at rendering and editing videos.

Is this a reason to get fired? Reassure me please,Dunno why but i'm freaking out?

I'm 28 and i'm in cellular sales and make like $50k a yr..been with the company for almost 5 yrs and I would say #s wise I'm the best sales man in company..I sold the most phones the past 3 yrs and i'm on pace for that this yr as well...And i'm pretty close with my manager..we know when to back off when were not in a good mood...Well my fiance ended up basically cheating on me and this has hit me so hard..We've been together for 11 LONG years and we have a house together...I have days where im ok and have days where im rock bottom...And i did tell my manager we did break up 2 weeks ago...Right now I dunno who i am, my mind is wandering..basically I'm messed up right now...and that day was really hard on me...So i was quiet and didn't really talk..i was just really down...well the trainer came down i guess and i said a few things to her and then just stood there and was just thinking...and my manager came to floor asked me to sit by her and i said well im comfy over here (joking around) but i guess she took that like a smart *** remark... and when i sat near her she asked whats wrong is everything ok..i just looked down and said ya everythings fine (didnt want to pour everything at her on sales floor) then the trainer apparently thought i had an attitude and didnt want to participate on what they were trying to my manager took me in back after trainer left and said she was disappointed in me and how shes really upset right now and doesn't want to talk about it..i tried to tell her about whats going on with me and she raised her hand and said ROB i do not want to talk about it...then says I want u to think about this over the weekend and we will talk on monday about this...I am so worried that they may release me because of this...but right now like i said my head is f'ed u right now...i cant think straight and I have no idea who i am...that day before work i was balling my *** off...i was sitting in my car for an hr and half just listening to music...I'm coming in 30 mins early so i can sit with my manager and pour her everything about whats going on and i'm hoping she also going to try to take a week off and travel to connecticut to visit my family..I'm just not myself and i had no intentions on giving an attitude to anyone...What u guys think do I have anything to worry about?

Building new PC - Need to decide on PSU?

every time I have bought thermaltake components of any kind, every moving part that was involved stop working within a year.... i.e. fans, water pump, etc. I choose corsair for anything if they are an option.

Scared for my

i ust called the police on my daughters father for stealing my car and selling it to a junkyard for $300. Police said he would be charged for grand larceny and go to prison but i thought that he would just do a lil jailtime. They still have not found him yet and im scared that he might come looking for me to Mhurt me. I had been with this loser for 7 yrs and he did nothing but ruined my life by stealing from me, cheating on me, getting some girl pregnant, and stealing from me, my daughter, and my family. I realize how pathethis i was for staying this long but im proud of myself for finally calling the police but at the same time im scared because he might come looking for me because of how serious the charge will be. My 6 yr old was crying saying she dont want her daddy to go to jail or get shot my police. what to do? called the police back and say nevermind? i dont have a car now and i was hoping to sell it to have money to go back to my hometown to stay with my mom.

Can I get an Article 15 if civilian courts dropped the charges?

I was charged with larceny here in korea, the prosecutor dropped the charges and I settled with the store owner. Now my unit is trying to give me an article 15 for the same thing. Can they do this? What regulation would this apply too? Thankls

Questions about petit larceny charge in new york.?

When you go for your first appearance speak with the states attorney and try to reach a plea agreement for a reduction in the charge and you will get a fine and community service as well as have to pay Wal Mart X number of dollars, with the fine restitution and court fees you will end up paying probably 2,000 dollars or more. By negotiating with the prosecutor you can probably reach an agreement where you will not have a criminal record but if you have the money for a lawyer they could help to get it lowered.}{

What is the name of the song in fantasy factory with ludacris and carmelo anthony?

In season 2 episode 9 of Fantasy Factory, Carmelo Anthony, Ludacris and Rob all play around a little bit in the factory and a song plays but I never found the name to it. HELP!

Custom pc wont boot or anything ?

The 2600K is kind of a waste on a board that you can't overclock it with. Wait and see when you put the RAM in

I have an ethical question: Should I call adult protective services or not?

My aunt is disabled. She immigrated (legally) from Haiti. When she emigrated my other aunt elected to be her care giver. The care giver aunt has been abusive, verbally, financially etc. We are not equipped to take care of this disabled aunt here at my house, however she abandoned her here. If I call APS then the abusive aunt will likely go to jail for grand larceny among other things. I have no problem with this, however the people left behind in Haiti depend on this abusive aunt and may suffer greatly (financially and emotionally) if she is locked up. What would you do? Just would like some insight before I make my final decision. Thank you.

Why won't this song stop playing on the sims?

I used to occasionally hear this somewhat erie music while playing the sims 3. It would only occur at night. The first time I was at the gym with the father of the household. All he was doing was picking up rocks outside and then the weird, almost creepy music played. I thought maybe someone was trying to rob my house even though i wasn't there to see it. Nothing ever happened to me or my house or family. It almost sounds like someone failed at doing something too. It's not like any noise I've ever heard while playing before. It's definitely nothing good. It's not the noise when someone is rejected or when something gets broken though. It only seems to occur at random. But now it won't stop playing. I understand hearing creepy music at night because apparently ghosts walk around the neiborhood but I've never seen them. When the music came on the first time tonight, i looked around the lot everywhere for ghosts... Nothing. No robbers, no ghosts, no anything. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Not only can i still not figure out what the noise is from, i can't get it to stop either. Please help, im less freaked out now but im just annoyed from it.

Mechanic started working on my boyfriend's car w/o permission?

The mechanic screwed up his timing belt last year, so he brought it back and asked for an estimate on how much it would be to fix it. They never gave him an estimate and fixed the car without permission and are demanding $500 when it should have been free. The mechanic is already under charges for grand larceny. What can he do?

Why do liberals see the world upside down all the time?

Totally agree with you on that one, i wonder if there point of view would be the same if they or there families where on the receiving end of violence, conservatives do sometimes get together as angry mobs have you never seen them fox hunting savage beasts they are.

Did I get the wrong PSU?

Alright so I'm building my first gaming PC today and I'm watching the Carey Holzman video 'How to build a gaming computer'. At about 1:23:30 he shows that spot where you need to plug in the sqaurish 4 pin connecter from the PSU.. I have an ASUS M4A87TD USB3 motherboard which has that slot. But my PSU (Corsair 500w Builder Series) does not have the cable that should connect there. Is something wrong?

Can Still become an Officer?

You should be good to go. The key is to honest on the application. You see it is already known, so do not try to hide it. You will know if your packet is accepted. Go for it.

I went to the bank and redeemed $5500 in cash. If people see it in front of me, will they rob me?

Is it possible that there are robbers that will come after me and point a gun at me by telling me to put my hands up and give them all that money if they see all those hundred dollars bills? I'm sorta laughing because I thought that's a joke. Do you agree?

Is this computer build worth the money?

shooting yourself in the foot with a 7xx chipset because future bulldozer processors won't be compatible. grab an 890gx/fx or new AM3+ socket mobo. drop me a line if u need help.

I sprayed pepper spray in the face of a pregnant woman. Can she file assault charges against me?

Now before you leap to conclusions, she’s black, and I thought that she was going to rob me because I was in line at a hamburger place in a bit of a lower class city (Manhattan), and I didn’t know anybody there, and I was already on edge because I had just been fired from my job (not my fault, my boss is an ***), so I was just really uptight and anxious. Anyways, she tapped me on the shoulder and said something to me (I think she asked if I was in line?), I turned around and realized that she was black, so I got scared, and I sprayed the pepper spray in her face. She fell backwards and started screaming, and that’s when I realized that she was pregnant. So, I did the only reasonable thing to do, I took off my blouse and put it over her face, I ran out of the place and hopped in my Ford Explorer (god bless America) SUV, and drove off. Now, I didn’t go around telling people my name or my email address or anything, but I think that I saw one of the woman’s “homies” writing down my license plate number. What should I Do? Can she sue me for assault or something? It’s not my fault, is it? It was an accident, I can’t be held responsible for my actions since it was a provoked attack, and I only responded out of fear. If anything, it was self defense and she could be held responsible for this, right?

If someone threatening is on my property, can I shoot them?

I heard this story on T.V. about this guy that attempted to rob this guy but the man getting robbed shot his gun in the air to scare them away. A while later one of the robbers came back to get one of his shoes that he left behind. The home owner noticed him on the property, not in the house, but on the property and shot him dead. Is that technically murder, or is it self defense?

How about the pc which I'm going to build?

nope. 1 gen back. OCZ psu's is a no go. why the ultimate windows ? networking guru ? drop me a line.

How long does it take for petty larceny to come off your record?

My husband had stolen a playstation game when he was 20. He went to jail for it, paid the fines and everything…and 9 years later it is still on his records. He tried to get a job with a big name copy, but they refused him because of that…After 9 years. How long does it take for something like that to go away?

Cannot set up bios on home built computer?

have you done the CLR cmos yet ? you using the VGA connection as that seems to always work while DVI and HDMI not always on those older cards atleast for first bios boot but usually because the bios was default to VGA.

Dream about dating a married man? ?

What does it mean to have a dream that you are dating a married man? I had a dream last night that I met this guy and we kissed and we were really attracted to each other. Then he told me that he was married and I asked him how ong he had been married and he said 2 months(it seemed like this wasn't the first months(it seemed like this wasn't the first time we had met though). Then I went time we had met though). Then I went back to work and the store I work at got robbed at gunpoint. back to work and the store I work at got robbed at gunpoint. That was my entire. Dream and then I woke up.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Are you ready for more incidents of....?

And to think, leftists want Americans to give up their guns in the mistaken belief that government will always be there to protect citizens from animals such as those described above.

Some help with legal issues?

its my first offence I'm only 19 I just reduced prices of old items that I figured management would had reduced anyways based on previous transactions I never bought any reduced items i never made any profit off the items although I'm guilty of not going threw proper procedures the total of items came up at 179.98 what punishment will I receive for 5 counts of larceny by employee. Walmart North carolina

I was caught shoplifting in North Carolina, any advice on what I should do?

First of all, I'm not a bad person at all and this is my 1st offense, otherwise my record is clean. My Court date is set for April 14. It was Misdeamor Larceny, the item I took was under $30. What should I do? Should I plead guilty? I can't really afford an attorney right now. Is there any chance I can get that this won't go on my record?

What happens if i dont go to court?

Im being charged with 1 count of larceny and my parents said theyre nt taking me. so idk what will happen im 14. and this is my first offense.

Christians, can you help me.?

I don't understand why it is acceptable to subjectively dictate morality but objectively state that those people have done nothing wrong and therefore that the don't need saved. (objectivity is assumed to an extent to be able to determine they don't need saved) How can you factually do this but subjectively judge the Christians? I guess I'm missing something here...

Long Distance Relationship...? help!?

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years now. We live in the city and he got jumped 3 times in the past month from people just wanting to rob him. He is 18 years of age and is enlisted in the military. He got hurt pretty bad the last time he got jumped, he has nerve damage in his face and has to get surgery due to a broken cheek bone. he got his two front teeth knocked out. Well, now his mom wants him to move back to florida with his grandmother (where he is originally from) and he said yes. I am upset because he agreed to go and he is 18 and could have chosen to stay but he didnt. He has cheated at least two times and lies to me ungodly. but i still love him, I want to know if you think this might work? Should i try the long distance relationship? He said he would move back after this year of high school. I just got a job and we plan to get our own place. Should i try to make things work? Or let our trust issues rule out having a long distance relation? HELP!

Could Rob Terry take out the core?

He is as generic as any other body builder so maybe Rob Terry vs Chris Masters can be a match on Superstars.

Can I call the police on this one kid?

Ok well today after school this kid told me he was going to get me 200$ of weed for 100$ so I went..and we went to a apt. complex..and told me to wait outside and give him the money so he can go in and get it so he went and he came out saying he got robbed by some black guy..(Witch I know he didn't) Can I call the cops on him do I need proof or what do I need to do?

Any way to get into Canada without a passport?

you can always ask them to send back your birth certificate. one word of advise is always send copies and keep the real one. also, you could get some high school transcripts plus your license is still valid to show ur residency. send them anything you can from job employments, anything from your elementary, middle, high school. also, right a letter and explain to them what's going on.

Computer price estimate?

I would Amazon them all, tends to be cheaper - Windows 7 Ultimate will put you back though since a 64-bit key will cost you around �150-200 (unless you find one of them key resellers on eBay and get one for �20-30 (but I don't even know if that's legal or not!).

I got a ticket for simple larceny $40 and have to go to court?

what is likely to happen at court and will it go on my record.... i am 6 classes away from my bachelors in paralegal and was gettng ready to leave to texas for the summer, will i be on probation? do i plead guilty not guilty? what should i do/say? i know dumb of me horrible mistake but whats done is done.....

When getting robbed at gunpoint, does it break a commandment to covet the robber's gun?

To be fair...I'd settle for the opportunity to get my own gun out. I mean if I'm going to shoot him, I want him armed.

Help with overclocking Intel i5 2500k CPU?

If you didn't touch anything else there is a good chance your ram is clocked higher than it should be.

Who do i contact about a parole violation and the parole officer not doing anything about it?

i was threatened by my ex who was on parole at the time, i managed to get a restraining order against him. during his parole he was also arrested for larceny same reason he was out on parole in the first place. his parole officer let him off parole knowing all this, what can i do? i want to report the parole officer and make sure my ex stops getting away with all the crimes he has committed. The department of correction here in CT has an e-mail where you can submit what you know about an inmate I wrote to them about my concerns and everything i've known he's done, this was while he was on parole and yet he still was let go.

John Carpenter's Halloween movie?

Does anyone know What Michael Myer's mom's name is in John Carpenter's Halloween.I know in Rob Zombie's Halloween Michael's mom's name is Deborah Myers.Is it the same in John Carpenter's.And what about the father too whats the father's name in John's Halloween

What would you rank this PC Build?

Seems like a good system. Probably the best speed you're going to get for the money you're spending. The only thing I would potentially change is the motherboard for an Asus P8Z68-V Pro as it has a few features that the P67 boards do not have such as SSD caching and the ability to use the Sandy Bridge onboard graphics chip for video decoding.

I got charge for larceny/retail theft in Florida for 408 dollars it is that a felony? 1st ofense?

if you stole from walmart get ready to put on a big sign stating that you once stole from there. and yes everything over $400 is a felony.

Sister's Boyfriend robbed me?

My sister has been dating this guy for about 7 months. He told me that he could have his friend fix my laptop, which had a virus. After discussing plan of action and talking to my mom about it, I decided it was a good idea. After about a week I asked about my laptop and he said that his friend was gonna have me pay him like $300 to have it cleared, my mom said that she would bring it to her job and her employee would fix it at a fraction of the cost. So I asked for my laptop back, and he said his friend 'keeps forgetting it at work'. It's been over 3 months and I haven't seen my laptop. I keep asking for it back. I even emailed the friend and asked for it back, but no answer. What should I do? I want my laptop back, can I filed some sort of report?

I can't think of the name of a movie...?

it's one that hasn't come out yet but i think it comes out in has the pizza guy and goes to deliver pizza to guys with monkey masks and they tell him to go rob a bank. so they strap a bomb vest thing and tell him if he doesn't rob it they will blow him up. so the guy goes to a school to get help from his friend that works there? i think that's all i know that happens. so what's the name of it!

Anyone here agree its a myth that the Roman Legions was a professional Military Force?

I guess the term 'professional' was applied because they were paid for it and had signed up for a certain period but this is obvious when applying at against our current conceptions of professionalism

Can I call the police on this one kid?

Ok well today after school this kid told me he was going to get me 200$ of weed for 100$ so I went..and we went to a apt. complex..and told me to wait outside and give him the money so he can go in and get it so he went and he came out saying he got robbed by some black guy..(Witch I know he didn't) Can I call the cops on him do I need proof or what do I need to do?

Has anyone been convicted in N. Carolina for larceny by a chosen act and what kind of punitive sentences did?

I found a blank money order in Walmart with no name with the receipt and no way to identify the owner also it was not a walmart money order it was laying on the floor in an envelope where you return items etc inadvertently I picked it up and put it in my pocket not fully realizing what it was at the time. I was there to cash a check and my check comes in the same size envelope as the money order ( thought it was my envelope) 3 months later I was called to the Jax sheriffs dept. and arrested for larceny by a chosen act( Felony) evidently who ever lost it realized where they lost it at and the tapes were viewed and my tag # retrieved by camera . .looked up larceny and it said anything under a 1000$ and its a class 1 misdemeanor grand larceny anything above 1000$ my question is which is it Misdem or felony and what am I looking at if covicted

Petit Larceny? For how long?

Hey sugga, need to know where and what state different everywhere but here, in Tx.don't take adjudicated probation cause that means here, What faculity you want to go to, and no matter whete you are if you don't understand every thing FULLY. Don't agree with NOTHING. you make sure you're comfortable with everything,don't let them rush you into a agreement you don't fully understand, been there done that. I'am almost 50 and still doing the tale end of a 20 for a huffy bike a friend gave my daughter come to find out that it was stolen in my property so I got 20 cause I wasn't man enough or smart enough to know that lawyer's will get u especially if your scared or nervous they smell matter what if your not sure what they mean postpone, postpone, they can't end a session of court without your input so be sure first and foremost. You still need to do a little community service somewhere. Before court arrives and make sure you let rhem see you made a mistake and they'll make it eaayer on ya.but if your really felling stupid about it change your means of fun wirh friends,Simply just listen to a song by Toby Kieth(find out who your friends are ) nuff said.....Good luck with it will be what you want it to be k

Monday, July 18, 2011

Background check info???! Help please?

Expunged information is not available on background checks done by businesses. Generally speaking, their concern is what you have done SINCE you turned 18 anyway. All kids do stupid stuff.

I'm currently on probation for B&E and grand larceny and can't find work & my work history is crappy any help?

I've tried just about everything. Even went to workshops for felons seeking jobs, Job fairs themselves, even cold calling, friends, and family. No one will hire me and i just found out the military doesn't take people on probation. It's really starting to bother me that i can't find work cause not only am i out of work but so are the people i live with, My mother was laid off about 2yrs ago and my step father is retired and the benefits are enough to pay the bills, get our med's, let alone food. Were trying to get my mom on disability, and i'm looking into unemployment but no luck, the Virginia Employment Commission is NO HELP what so ever. So if any one out there knows how to get a job for a felon with Breaking and Entering and a grand larceny on his recorded as well as a crappy job history (walking off with out 2 weeks notice) Please i need the help! I'm literally at the end of my rope here.

What processor can i upgrade to?? Help?

Hi i wanna upgrade my processor from .. my current processor is a Intel(r) Core(tm)2 Duo CPU e4500 @2.20GHz, 2200 Mhz, 2 Core( s), 2 Logical Processor(s).. Its in my Dell inspiron 530 desktop not slim, i upgraded the psu to corsair tx650w, and 4gigs ram .. Actualy my real question would i be even able to upgrade my processer.. I know im better off getting a new computer which i actualy am going to .. i jus wanna have 2 computers the dell will be for movies and a lil gaming and the other computer will be mainly gaming.. So would i beable to upgrade with my current mother board .. if yes would you please provide a link with several processors i can choose from.. Thanks for any and all help i can get

What kinda charges am i looking at for attempted petit larceny?

i got arrested in the state of ny for attempted petit larceny i was wondering what kinda charges i will be looking at this is my first criminal charge with no other history

Good gaming comp build?

Thats a really great configuration, ignore the other answerer that say Nvidia card is better, no, both the GTX 460, and the HD 6850, come at the same price, but the HD 6850 is slightly, i have a HD 6850, and the games run really smooth, even GTA IV.

Running from the police?

Ok so I'm on the run... At first I was really bored so I walked into a gas station where my friend works. We decided to pull a prank on the customers by me robbing the place but I accidentally shot one of the customers in the leg. My friend thought that it was an act and also thought the gun wasn't real so he shot another customer by accident thinking that she was in on it. So now we both are running from the police. Right now we are hiding out at another friends house. It's only a matter of time before they start investigating here too. What should I do? Please help!

I had a bestfriend for 15 years and like 2 1/2 years ago her ex boyfriend n lil brother came to my house put a?

Gun to my head n robbed me. Keep in mind i was pregnant and my son was in the other room. She had left an hour prior to this happening and she called me 15 min before they arrived. And the main thing that points all fingers to her is that she gave them the keys to walk in my home. Now years go by and im still confused about why she did that to me? I really want to know why then she lied to me and on me to any and everybody. We never had a argument fight or anything.. I just dont understand. People said she was jealous of me but i cant see why because i let her move in with me rent free no bills to pay she ate wht i had and anything i got i shared my last with her. But when i wake up this morning to check my facebook i see that she wants to be my friend?? thinking to myself again???why why why im confused what is it you want from me now? Im not rich i dont have can u tell me what to do and what do u think is up with her...

CT CCW on AR probation ?

or nom violent larceny? (stupid mistake) Its medical AR so it'll be off my record in January. Its "pending" atm. Should I wait till it's all over, or could I take the class now?

Is my pc good!! and for gaming love pc gaming self build..?

good or bad is subjective it depends on the person, If you are not worried about the power consumption, or if you will be only on gaming its OK, but IMHO intel contemporary processors are much better in video encoding and overall smooth performance as well consume less power..

How do doctors not know about multiple prescriptions?? PLEASE HELP A FRIENDS MOTHER AND ME TRYING TO SAVE SON?

ok so one of my good friends back home i guess was arrested for robbery and larceny all kinds of stuff to support his addiction to pain killers and his mom called me to tell me about everything that happened and asking if he called if i could talk to him and she told me that his fiancee was going around to like 8 different doctors getting prescriptions for oxycontin from each of them and me and his mom where both wondering how n the heck did none of these doctors not know about each other? or is it that the only way the doctors find out is if they call or email the pharmacy asking them if the person is getting multiple prescriptions? so if his fiancee was a good actor and liar and never gave them reason to suspect anything then the doctors would never find out. is that how it works where the doctor has to request the info in order to find out and its not sent out automatically or is it vise versa please let me know cuz we are really hoping to find a way to help him out of this addiction and ways to keep him from getting them again

Really need some good help legal or lawyer type question?

5 counts of larceny by employee with no priors only 19 carries what kind of punishment In North Carolina

Whats the best cooler for the graphics card, Sapphire ATI AMD Radeon HD 6950 GDDR5?

I`m using a AMD Athlon 2, 2.7 GHz dual core CPU and Sapphire 6970, and didn`t need extra cooling, vdeo card doesn`t even get hot when playing any game I tried Quality or Performance settings, ( even when overclocking ). Don`t see why you need extra cooling unless your case has air flow restrictions. ........................................… For coolers ask dangerden on you tube, see; DD-6990 Block Install on the ATI HD 6990 , on you tube by dangerden.

How is the name Robert John?

It is a wonderful, solid, classic boy's name. RJ is very cute for a little boy but then he would have the option of going by Rob or Robert as an adult.

Guy Problem please help?

I have a friend and both of us knew this guy (Rob) we were both equally friends with him and we sometimes hung out with him at school. I really like him as more than a friend, and just yesterday he asked out my friend. She said no because her parents wont let her date until shes 17 but I thought that he liked me but I guess not. What if he askes me out now can I go out with him or since my friend likes him does this mean i cant. Also neither one of us had his number and he asked her out over text so how did she get his number. Please share your thoughts on what i should do.

Why are Americans so caught up with petty personal pop-culture related problems?

I hear people complain about going to work, having Internet lag, when their favorite team loses a game, (I've even seen people people cry over sports before btw) and also things like complaining about a rude comment someone posted on their Facebook profile pic which was supposed to make all the guys thing she was hot, and things like not finding a parking space, gas prices being to high. When in other places people are being raped, killed, and robbed.

Do they drug test you when you go to jail for the weekend?

I was charged with petty larceny and have to go back to court for the second time in a few days. The first time the witness from the store didn't even show up and was no where to be found so they extended the court date to give the store more time to try and find the witness. My lawyer said I might have to spend two nights in jail but there was a good possibility I no longer have to since the witness was a no show. My real question is that do they drug test you if you have to go to jail for the weekend. This is in roanoke, virginia if that makes a difference. Thanks!

Is this computer worth $650?

Nope. the operating system is worht something if it's windows 7. but used, no way. for an extra $100 you can brutalize that rig.

CT pistol permit after AR probation?

I has a question regarding my eligibility for a CT pistol permit. About three years ago, I was arrested for 3rd degree larceny and given AR, which I completed successfully. Through a series of childish decisions, I was arrested again for larceny of an item valued at over $1000 (though I'm not sure if it was grand larceny as the item was older and had depreciated in value), but I was given a medical AR due to my OCD. This final two year AR is over in January, and I'm currently in school for nursing with my CNA. My question is this: will either of these arrests or AR's, once dismissed, effect my eligibility to recieve my permit? If so, what could I do about any issues which might arise to ensure that everything would work out ok.

Can you get your CPA certification with 2 misdemeanor convictions of assault and petty larceny in VA?

Both offenses happened at the same time, at age 19, which was 3 years ago. Any idea if you can become a teacher in VA, or any state for that matter with these convictions? Thanks for your answers!

Women what would you do if your bf or husband admitted this to you?

I'd think that there's more to the story. Like something is really weighing on him, perhaps cheating and he can't come out and say it so he's talking about other irrelevant wrongdoings.

5 counts of larceny by employee 179.99 a felony or misdemenor?

What state? State statutes set the amounts for what is determined to be a felony. For most if not all the amount is generally $200 and above. Your state's Penal Code will have your answer.

How much time might my man be facing for violating probation for grand larceny & a felony b&e?

My babydaddy is in custody right now. He has a court date next month regarding an old charge that they just got him got. He violated his probation UNWILLINGLY in the state of virginia. The probation was for grand larceny and felony breaking and entering... It was his probation officers fault for not documenting that he had to mvoe to NC and transfer his probation there but she failed to do so, which violated him. i know the PO is of course gonna cover her *** in court... so can anyone, maybe if you've been in this EXACT situation before or know someone, or atleast know something about the law, give me an estimate or guesstimate on what kind of time he coule be facing for this... :( Our baby is due August 7, 2011... It's devestating. Please get back to me asap! Thank you.

Okay will this power supply support my computer?

Im getting a 650w power supply by corsair my computer currently runs On the stock 350w PSU for the hp pavilion elite m9200t. I am upgrading to the HIS 6950 x iceq turbo which recommends a 500w power supply. I am switching cases to a Antec Lanboy moduler case. I'm moving the parts from the old one to the new case. Will the PSU support it? I ask this because the case has 5 stock 120mm blue LED fans which my case does not have. Thanks

Statistics shows african american commit more crimes then any other race?

im doing a research paper and have found that african american have committed more crimes then other races besides the "white collar crimes" such as larceny and embezzlement which the white population takes that title, but why are african americans the highest percentage of crimes committed any rationale or reason? its not all poverty related hispanics have the highest percentage for that.

Is this RAM compatible with my motherboard (Links to items included)?

Unfortunately a "factory" machine like HP has a hard time meeting there advertised spec! they show the 10600 (1333) ram but I'll bet the ram in the machine is the 1066 The board SHOULD default your 1600 ram to 1333 but it may not. Due to company policy, and the prioritized bios there is no "tweaker" or bios ability to OC the ram to 1600. A third party tweaker may do it. since there is only a few bucks difference between 1333 and 1600 (for Corsair XMS3) you haven't lost that works. You should be careful buying ram or CPU upgrades for a "factory" machine. They are notorious for dis allowing it, for two reasons, they don't want it back for repairs..and they want to a faster machine!

Monitor loses signal when playing games or watching HD clips on youtube?

Download and install the latest Radeon "Catalyst" drivers for your card for best performance and stability. There are also several hotfixes available from AMD to resolve various video glitches like you describe.

Omg help ! What should I do ?!?

I seen this gangster looking guy in front of my house throwing up gang signs to the queenns and I dont want to call the cops cus that gangster might come back and kill me or rob my house ! And if he found out it was me hes going to tell his friends to rape me or something ! And p.s. I think I had slept with one of his brothers because he had a familiar face , and voice like his .

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Building my own pc: amd or intel. PSU. Motherboard. GPU and display?

yes the OCZ StealthXStream II, 500W will work and it looks like you will have a awesome pc and for the money i would use amd phenom 2 black edition just read before messing with voltages you can kill the cpu but you can get major over clocking on it though and the mainboard i would chose is Biostar TA790GX A3+ Motherboard that is the best board for the money as well

I'm trying to find this movie online "Petticoat Larceny" 1943?

I'm want to see "Petticoat Larceny" 1943 for free online but can't find it any where. Do you think that Netflix or Red Box rental should have this? What websites can you suggest would have this movie to watch for free? All advice is greatly appreciated.

Do you think TNA made a HUGE mistake eliminating Daniels vs Joe vs Aj III from Dest. X?

When did RVD and Aj come to the X-Divison? Also why does Lethal want to comeback if he asked for a realese?

Will New York State extradite a person from Illinois for a Grand Larceny charge?

I am in Illinois and I have a Felony warrant for Grand Laceny in New York long can they hold me in Illinois and will I be extradited back to New York?

Pending Misdemeanor Larceny can i pass the background check at Walmart?

You almost certainly won't pass the background check for WalMart or any other retailer. Places that deal in cash and/or merchandise don't like thieves, and will try to avoid hiring them.

Isn't the world police America just awesome?

You believe michael moore so I honestly don't believe I should respond BUT...we brought the perpetrators to justice in the court system of america. Did the iraqi government do the same to their terrorist or do they celebrate them?

What is the difference between....?

larceny and extortion? And what does it mean if you are charge of a crime of larceny by extortion?

What direction should I choose? Police? Security guard? Other?

First off I'm 19 years old and a sophomore in community college. I make pretty good grades but at times it feels like I'm just wasting my time. When I was 17 years old I was charged with a bogus sexual misconduct offense (kind of like statutory rape but my lawyer and arresting officer said that it was just sexual misconduct and not "rape" and was a misdemeanor). The charges was dismissed and they were bogus in the first place because it was not me that did anything. It was actually a friend of mine who was 16 involving a 12 year old. This was not your regular 12 year old, she looked about 16 and was already sexually active, you would not believe it if you seen her. My problem is that I was that arrest on my record and I also have a petty larceny arrest on my record that was too dismissed. This involved taking a mp3 player with a friend. I want to become a police officer but I think that this record might be a major obstacle for me. I was told that it would not be a public record ( sealed expunged etc.) but the police will still know about it. What do you think I could do with my self? Just stay in school and maybe I will be accepted with a higher degree? Just try to be another form of law enforcement? Maybe a security guard? Can I still get a concealed carry permit(Rochester, NY)? Should I just change my mayor after I graduate in my current field(AAS Criminal Justice Police Science)? I'm just curious about what you think and maybe you would have some advice? answers.

Legal Advice on Larceny?

Petty Larceny is a misdemeanor as is possession of burglary tools so the max would be 1 year in jail or as little as a fine and probation, if it is probation it would usually include community service but the persons prior criminal history would determine what the judge would sentence.}{

Which has better sound quality? Corsair HS1 or Creative Sigma?

I'm wondering which has the better sound quality because I'm an audiophile, but also a gamer, so I want the one with the best audio quality.

Who takes the decisions to wage war against Qaddafi?Obama or Congress? Or has this become a Private vendetta?

Well It was a private agenda under bush when he attacked Iraq and afghanistan the united nations was furious and the muslim world so this ain't public this ain't up to congress or obama or qaddafi Its private none of anyone's business.

Rental house in LA being foreclosed. Would someone help us with info?

You must continue to pay rents as long as you live in/on the premises. NO lawyer will get you past that legality. Your landlord's financial issues do NOT allow you to live there without paying rents. If she loses ownership through foreclosure, then you will be paying rents to the NEW owner.

Am i wrong, should i appologize?

I am married but currently thousands of miles away from my husband. My husband is in Nigeria(where he is originally from) and I'm in the USA (where I'm from). We are waiting on the finalized process so he can get his visa here. Well to make it short...seems we are having extreme arguments once a week. Last week it was the cultural differences. After that he's been acting slightly forgetful. Yesterday things were great until I asked him to send me a pic since I missed him. He sent me a pic but I noticed the time and date stamp and the pic was taken outside his house. I got upset because around that time we hung up since he said his car was messing up. I called him shortly after but he couldn't answer. Emailed me back an hour later saying he couldn't answer since he was concerned about getting home and not robbed since it was dark. I wanna know how did he have time to take a pic but not answer my call when I'm worried all night about him. He still sticks to the story of him taking the pic before he left his friends house (even though he took me there and I know the difference b/w his house and friends house) and his car was messing up. We arnt talking since he needs "space". I miss him :(. Should I apologize just so we are on good terms?

Need some help people?

Okay so i had this online friend and we talked a while back. We havent talked in 5 months and i finally got in touch with him. His phone got disconnected after 5 months and I couldnt find a way to call or anything. His mom treated me so nice the last time i was on his phone. Now he finally answered me threw facebook and he gave me his new number. I asked him to call me and he did. he said he would call back and he did. Then he started to forget to call me back. He always told me he had to do something. but the first time he did actually call me back. Now he told me over the internet that somebody stole his phone and he was robbed. Should I give him some space? Will he call me if I leave him alone?

Which goalie gloves should I get?

I am debating between two brands of gloves, Bauer and Reebok. The choices for Bauer are the Pro One100 and the Pro RX10. The choice for Reebok is the Larceny Pro. Which one should I get? This includes the glove and blocker

Whats the name of the serial albertsons robber from texas?

I saw a tv show on investigation discovery about a man who had robbed multiple albertsons in texas and escaped from jail twice. I searched on google for a bit but havent found anything.

How to Handle this Background Check?

When you give them the information for the check, go ahead and tell them the truth. And if they would like, your attorney's information.

Is this good for gaming?

How much FPS would I get on metro 2033 with 17 2600k at 3.8 ghz. Gtx 560 ti evga superclocked and 4gb of corsair dominator ram?

What is the security with boatshows ? - 10 points?

Everyone didn't go home. I'm sure there are Armed Guards patrolling, and cameras everywhere. I'd bet many of the boats have on-board security cameras////// they are a $300 USD option these days and are effective world wide.

Rob Bell claims he is not a Universalist, but does he promote universalist theology?

Is his book LOVE WINS the first of his works promulgating a universalist message OR has that them always been in his work? Or do you disagree with that entire premise?


ok so one of my good friends back home i guess was arrested for robbery and larceny all kinds of stuff to support his addiction to pain killers and his mom called me to tell me about everything that happened and asking if he called if i could talk to him and she told me that his fiancee was going around to like 8 different doctors getting prescriptions for oxycontin from each of them and me and his mom where both wondering how n the heck did none of these doctors not know about each other? or is it that the only way the doctors find out is if they call or email the pharmacy asking them if the person is getting multiple prescriptions? so if his fiancee was a good actor and liar and never gave them reason to suspect anything then the doctors would never find out. is that how it works where the doctor has to request the info in order to find out and its not sent out automatically or is it vise versa please let me know cuz we are really hoping to find a way to help him out of this addiction and ways to keep him from getting them again

Can i joing the military, i'am on felony probation for breaking and entering and grand larceny.?

I'm trying to straighten out my life and be a better person, but i can't find work so i'm considering the military and i was wondering if i could join while on felony probation. please and thank you

Agree or Disagree: Sugar Ray Leonard's biggest wins are overrated?

i absolutely disagree! leonard did something that few fighters today have done. he stopped 2 undefeated hall of famers at their peak, in hearns and benitez! those are the two fights i look at that cement his greatness. and if you recall, there are some who believe ray did enough to beat duran in their first fight. had he boxed as he should have, he would have won a decision. as far as the rematch, no one told duran to party for months after the first fight! that's his own fault. as for the hagler fight, leonard got into marvin's head, yes, but if marvin was an all time great middleweight, (and we know that if he was 33 maybe 34 or 35 years old, well, that's not even old today) why did he let a washed up, inactive fighter with a bad eye who had been dropped by kevin howard decision him? keep in mind there were people calling for the sport to be banned if leonard-hagler got signed!

Multiple parole violations in another state?

Hello! I have a question about my son-in law and maybe someone can give me a little info about the whole parole thing. Ok back in 2008 he committed grand larceny, got 5 yr sentence and only served 2yrs in the Tennessee penitentiary. He was put on parole and released to Alabama to live with his wife(my daughter). Was doing really well until he got into drugs and foolishly got 4 felony drug charges almost 6 months ago, the charges are- possession of a controlled substance, second-degree possession of a forged instrument, attempt to commit a controlled substance crime and conspiracy to possess a controlled substance (jury indictment). He was arrested here in alabama and has been in county jail for about 6 months. My question is, Why haven't they transferred him to his parole state(tennessee)? and also my daughter has retained a lawyer on his behalf for the sum of 20,000$!!!! I think it's very stupid of her to believe he is going to get out of this with no prison time but she is convinced the lawyer will get him out of it. I don't know much about parole and lawyers but in my opinion i think she just threw away 20 thousand dollars. Any insight? Thank you and God bless..

How long i can play games on extreme settings on my PC?

1.5 years or 2 years if your lucky and when you need to upgrade your pc just buy another 5850 and run in crossfire.

Do you think the Burka is dangerous?

Yes they are and they should be banned worldwide - they are too easily abused by terrorists and criminals, and there are good reasons for wanting to be able to recognize people in public places.

Don't you feel safer with the TSA in airports, my money doesn't?

and JUST who is daft enough to put that amount of cash into their checked baggage............sorry but I carry every thing of value with me either in person or on my carry on luggage..........

What do you think of this passage?

"I will tell you a pleasant tale which has in it a touch of pathos. A man got religion, and asked the priest what he must do to be worthy of his new estate. The priest said, "Imitate our Father in Heaven, learn to be like him." The man studied his Bible diligently and thoroughly and understandingly, and then with prayers for heavenly guidance instituted his imitations. He tricked his wife into falling downstairs, and she broke her back and became a paralytic for life; he betrayed his brother into the hands of a sharper, who robbed him of his all and landed him in the almshouse; he inoculated one son with hookworms, another with the sleeping sickness, another with gonorrhea; he furnished one daughter with scarlet fever and ushered her into her teens deaf, dumb, and blind for life; and after helping a rascal seduce the remaining one, he closed his doors against her and she died in a brothel cursing him. Then he reported to the priest, who said that that was no way to imitate his Father in Heaven. The convert asked wherein he had failed, but the priest changed the subject and inquired what kind of weather he was having, up his way." --- Mark Twain, Letters From the Earth

Are these computer parts good?

You need a better PSU, I'd day somewhere near 600w. Instead of getting a seagate hard drive get a Spinpoint, you wont regret it.

Naturalization Question?

If he was not arrested and indicted and there was no trial, no problem. People get arrested when they are innocent, as well as when they are guilty. It's the trial and verdict.

How to make my voice a little harsher?

If you want to make it as a singer then stay true to yourself. Singers that sound like Rob Zombie are a dime a dozen. The industry desperately needs fresh unique talent.

What about the pc I'm going to build, also is the display and psu good in combination with the parts?

If your video card is the XFX HD-567X-ZNL3 you need a 500W PSU...the monitor is fine but my eyes are old...I prefer a 24" screen!

Sticky Fingaz said this quote On What song?!?! It was a on a bonus CD that came with the Shut'em Down album.?

"I got a chip on my shoulder/ when I'm sober I'm liver/ I once robbed a n***a with a phillips screwdriver"

What happens to Seized assets taken from Puppet Dictators, This is not Money involved in a Crime?

The Office of Foreign Asset Control does not seize assets, they freeze them and keep them in case there are claims. When a dictator has stolen large amounts of state money or taken bribes for performing extra-legal services, there will almost always be lawsuits and claims on the money.

What will be La Raza's reaction Mexican Criminal Finally Imprisoned after Five Prior Repatriations, Lawsuit ?

I'm sure they will be both mad and glad. Mad, because he's imprisoned, and happy, because where he's imprisoned is in the America. Maybe we need to start executing these criminals.

What is the reason for the recent spate of race riots and flash mob thuggery?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who wants to join my task force against the corrupt police and who rob and ruin peoples lives for profits?

i am also targeting federal agents who use people and then destroy their lives to cover it up. i've had ten years of my life destroyed and manipulated because of some selfish, ignorant coward who thought it'd be a good idea. they have tried to kill me as well as have me locked up multiple times. who's with me?

Is 600 Watts good enough for this system?

You need to try to set what error message it gives you. Google how to disable auto-restart when BSOD occurs and the next time it happens it will tell you hardware or driver or just codes like 0x0000001e which you can google up to find a better idea. You seem to have a lot of fans but that shouldnt really add it up...and you didnt tell us your power supplies brand, sometimes this is a deciding factor a big name brand would rarely give you problems unless you push it to the limits but everything here seems like the 600 watts can handle it. but get back with us on your brand. thanks

Computer price estimate?

I would Amazon them all, tends to be cheaper - Windows 7 Ultimate will put you back though since a 64-bit key will cost you around �150-200 (unless you find one of them key resellers on eBay and get one for �20-30 (but I don't even know if that's legal or not!).

I have a 2 year old misdemeanor larceny conviction, can i still join the coast guard?

You will probably have a hard time. I suggest speaking to a recruiter. Waivers of just about any sort are not being accepted at this time by the CG. So you will probably be out of gas. Sorry to say it but there are people lined up to get into the CG with Bachelor's & Master's degress with squeaky clean records... and they are having a hard time getting in.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Which would you choose? HTC or iPhone?

iPhone. I've had HTC and it's very limited to personalization, plus they always freeze up or malfunction in some sort of way. My best friend got an HTC recently, we had phone wars about how my iPhone is better than her phones and vice versus...and then just like 2 months after she got it it started malfunctioning ALL THE TIME! So she got a new one with her warranty, and sure enough, same things were happening. I LOVE my iPhone. Wouldn't have it any other way.

The falsley accused doing jail time?

I've already spoken to my lawyer about this, but I was wondering... my sentence is for 6-8 months. Will I be looking at jail? Or prison? My lawyer kept saying both jail and prison when we spoke so now I am confused. Can someone explain to me which one ill be dealing with? (Charge: felony larceny)

I need to return home but I really don't know what to do?

Why dont u juss ask the family ur staying with im sure they will take u home or give u a ride And sum advice DONT EVER RUN FROM UR PROBLEMS it juss makes life more complex and the problem more worser :) take this event from ur life and learn this lesson its very valuable and should always be remenber dont run from ur problems :) good luck in life and God bless

If you got a petty larceny and assault conviction when you were 19, will it be hard to get internships/jobs?

They both happened at the same time, and are the only offenses (both are misdemeanors). Will it be hard to get internships/jobs 3 years later in accounting fields?

Will i be going too jail?? please give me advice and 10 points too best answer?

last week i was charged for Petit larceny, trustpassing and per session of stolen property. this all happen because i took 7 dollars worth of scrap metel from a abonded werehouse in the buffalo new york. i was unaware of it being agents the law going in the building and takin scrap metal because i was thinking it was all just garbage. but my question is what is going too happen too me?? its my first affence and my first time going too court and i got a legel aid that i got too talk too on monday. but will i go too jail or will they go easy on me? please answer

What would more ram do for this computer?

the only way you can truly have too much RAM is if you have so much that seek times are slowed down as a result. if the OS won't support it (most 32bit OSs only support 4GB for example) then it simply won't use the rest. If you have a 64bit OS then I would go with 6GB or 8GB (I'm fuzzy on the DDR3 rules but I know my ASUS rampage MB requires RAM in sets of 3 or else it runs at DDR2 speed and not DDR3... however I see a lot of MBs that use DDR3 with only 4 RAM sockets which makes it hard to add RAM in sets of 3). for gaming 4GB will usually do just fine and higher end games may make use of more RAM but if you are just playing something like WoW then 4GB is overkill.

Is it wrong to laugh at peoples misfortune?

Not things like losing a loved one, death or being diagnosed with a disease rather getting ran over, beaten up, robbed etc. Like once my brother got beaten up real bad bust black eyes bruises bust lip oh it was too funny me and my other brother kept going into laughing fits just by looking at him. He kept punching us up but it was too much couldn't stop laughing at how messed his face and the story of how it happened.

What's a good gift to buy for a women who's in prison?

If your woman is doing 3 to 5 years for grand larceny and her birthday is coming up. What should you buy her.

Willfully absent bio-dad contests adoption; offers to consent if arrears are forgiven?

Hi, The forgiveness of child support arrears in exchange for consenting to the adoption does happen - frequently. If you want to move forward with the adoption, agree and move on.

What do dreams about cemeteries and dead people mean?

Ok, so last night I has a dream that I was in school coming from my chemistry class on my way to the last class of the day but I couldnt remember where to go. I walked in circles around the school trying to find the class but I just couldn't remember. So I text my sister to tell me because in real life we do have the same class but she never answered. I gave up finding my class and went into the library. The library in my dream was in the school, but to get back from the library to your class, you had to drive there. WEIRD ! Anyway, (getting to the point) we weren't in a car,but there were 5 of us going back to the school and I looked over and saw a cemetery. The cemetery was covered with ancient egyptian stuff like gold and jewels. Then I saw this guy in a coffin who was dead but he was an egyptian prince I guess because the cemetery was only for royal egyptians. I could see his face so well and I was at a distance, it was like I zoomed into the cemetery. Then I look over and see the police, they were there because someone robbed the cemetery. My phone starts vibrating and it's my sister, she tells me that we had double period chemistry, which means I was supposed to stay in the class I came from. -___- Then I kind of woke myself up because it was creepy !

Im not sure about this this messed up or stupid?

first thing first, are you Mexican? or is your children anything to a Mexican? if so then I really don't care :)

Are "interest only" payments ok?

I got an online loan from a company called CK Marketing. For the last 2 months they have taken out $75 from my account every pay day. I thought I was paying towards my loan. I just got off the phone with them and was told that I was making "interest only" payments and that I still owe the entire loan amount and that they are going to continue to take out $75 each pay day until I pay the loan in full. Is this ok? I am very frustrated and am hoping there is something I can do to keep my money. I got the loan because I needed money and now they are robbing me of it!!!

Whyare the police so useless?

They seem to be here at the moat pointless crimes in history such as : riding yor bike on the path... Plahig ball in a 'no ball games' zone... But when one is being raped/mugged/murdered/robbed/kidnaped ... where are they? They are far more dealing with petty crimes with teens than the actual major crimes... :l why are they so useless..

What should I do? I am a victim of grand larceny and the police will not help!?

About one week ago, I had lost a very valuable scarf made of rare mink, and filed a police report with details from the incident. It is valued at $1000 by a fur dealer who appraised it (it is a valuable family possession, now lost). In New York that is considered grand larceny (amounts over 1000) but was originally written up as Petit Larceny, and not sure if they changed it after I told them the amount. I had dropped it and one person stole it off the ground. I confronted them and they ran away to take a cab home. I have the cab license number, and all cabs here have GPS in them, as well as option to pay with credit cards. It is easy to find out where the person lives based on the GPS, finding the driver from the medallion number, and if they paid by credit card, their name would appear. Then they could search their place, plus any surveillance to identify the people in addition to my description. As far as I know to this point it was NOT assigned to a detective, and the police said they will not do anything about it anymore. WTF! What do I do? They said I can come in and talk to a that is going to help. I feel this was handled very poorly and with a little bit of work, it is possible to find these people. help!

Movie about a girl being trained as an assassin? Not state of Play?

A girls house is being robbed (she's really young maybe like 12?) and her brothers hiding Under the bed but gets stabbed by a robber on top. He survives but the sister dosnt know, the whole time an assassin dood who's good I guess is watching in secret. So she persuades him to train her. He also sleeps with sunglases on next to a lamp. Can anyone tell me what movie this is? Thanks!

Is this a good fantasy team?

this looks like a very solid team. freeman is very underrated, blount and gore are both very productive backs, williams has a good past but idk about the future, try and trade him to one of the guys in your league that dont know much, your wide reciever core is probably the best 2 in the game, the only problem is the qb situation with both of them but it should be fine, clark is always good with manning throwing to him, packers d is one of the best, and then you have a solid kicker. the only change i would make with your bench is drop miller or pettigrew early in the season for a rb or wr that came out of no where. you don't need 3 te's, especially since clark will be your starter almost every week but still very nice looking team

Is this a good Desktop should i get?

Use , same sort of deal, they have a better rating. Grab a 5670 at least or a GT 440 ! Brand name power supply as well like corsair/silversonte/xfx

Safety for items on amtrak?

Ok so im riding on amtrak, I need some help. Im planning on taking my psp and my Camera with me. I heard that if you leave it un atenned people will rob you. I need some ideas on how I can lock them up> Like maybe on my carry on bag i can put a lock? I dk HELP!

Is a 64 bit OS better than a 32 bit OS for gaming with the following specs.?

My specs. AMD athlon dual core 2.4 GHZ (4600+), 2 gb of corsair xms2 ddr2 RAM, 500GB sata 2 hdd, ati radeon hd 5450 512 mb gddr3. I am running windows 7 32 bit and i want to switch over to 64 bit and i was wondering if it will make my gaming experience better or worse.

Who makes the best SSD's..?

>At the current time, according to Maximum PC Magazine in their last issue, Intel is making the BEST, BUT most expensive, SSD. OCZ just jumped into the frey, stopped making memory and bought out an SSD controller chip company with a really hot controller chip, so you might want to look at what they have as well. But as of right now, Intel is making the BEST SSD but you will pay big time for it!

Is this a good setup for a gaming computer?

Alright, is this a good setup? Case:xion predator 970. CPU: intel core i3 2120 3.30 ghz. Cooling fan: asetek 510lc liquid cooling system 120mm radiator + fan. Motherboard: gigabyte ga-z68a-d3h-b3 ibtel z68 chipset. Memory:4gb dual channel corsair or major brand memory. Video card: nvidia gtx 460 1gb evga superclocked. PSU:700watt xtremegear. Hard drive: 500gb- sata III. I made it on cyberpowerp .com. I want to play some MMO's yet be able to play fps. Is there anything i shouls upgrade

Liberals: Can you dispute that socialism rewards the lazy while punishing the hard-working?

And those who earned their wealth legitimately? Then, why do you support such an oppressive system that seeks to rob from the hard-working and the wealthy to give to the lazy and parasitic?

I am building a Custom Computer and need some help!?

Do what the first guy said and get an 1155 board for your sand bridge cpu. Also I would go with DDR3 2000mhz. It will help out. It cost more but it will make your system a little faster. Also dump the sound card ALL motherboards these days have awesome built in sound chips so you wont need a sound card.

I have a class C misdemeanor in CT, and I live in AZ. Statute of limitations?

The statute is the time between committing the crime and being charged. You were charged so the statute doesn't apply. The warrant will only go away if you get arrested, turn yourself in or die. I'm no expert on interstate fugitive apprehension, but it's safe to say there's a chance they'll knock on your door or arrest you at a traffic stop. You can't take care of it over the phone.

Would these parts go together to make a working computer?

Wow everything was well thought out, it looks good to me. I second the aftermarket cooler though. Your machine would be screaming fast if you plan to overclock, but your motherboard would fry a lot faster.

Can I still get a job accounting if I was convicted with Petit Larceny?

I'm a sophomore in college studying Accounting, and was recently convicted of a Petty Larceny charge in VA by pocketing a sub from Wegmans. It was stupid and I regret it everyday. I don't know if it would be possible for me to get a job as an accountant with this charge. Should I maybe switch majors to something that wouldn't involve money?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Corsair H50 Water cooler liquid?!?

I just purchased this cpu cooler and my question is does the liquid already come in it or do i have to purchase and how to insert the liquid? i see no spot to put any in or anything.

Is it wrong to feel like this?

My husband ex-wife was arrested a month ago for stealing landscape goods in store and She was charged with fourth-degree and sixth-degree larceny. I was soooo happy. She have been bothering me and my husband for almost 5 year. I just typed her name online and it came up. I couldn't believe my eye!

Whats the punishment for petit larceny at the age of 14? QUICK ANSWER!?

my friend and i were in zumiez friday night and she decided to steal a pair of headphones and a necklace. she got caught and admitted to stealing them both. she was brought down to a police station i think? anyway she was arrested and charged with petit larceny. her court date is in two weeks, and i was wondering what will happen to her? will she be on probation? fined? okay thanks.

Are these specs good for gaming?

They're ok, they won't tun certain PC games such as Fallout 3, but they will run most games out there pretty fast with good quality graphics.

Which PC build is better for gaming? LAST TIME!?

I have a 965, and LOVE IT!. I have used Intel, and I think the Deneb is a better gamer. I have it OC'd to a high speed. (4.4/turbo-4.0-normal use w/watercooling). If you go with the 955 you will not be able to attain extreme OC speed ( probably around 4.0 at the highest), but if you are going to mildly OC ...say to 3.4 (965 speed), it may be a way to go. On the other hand, the 965 is only about $20.00 USD more, and I would rather just pay the extra if I was looking for a speed in that range, because you wont run into reliability, or warranty issues.

Can Still become an Officer?

Can you apply? Absolutely. Will you make it? *shrug* It's competitive. You still have a few years before you finish your BS, though so make the most of it and sumbit when you can.

Can i become a police officer with a bad background?

i am 20 years old. here is my back ground. i was 14 and got petty larceny for stealing a lighter, put in a diversion program and charges dropped. i was 16 and was arrested for domestic violence but not charged. i was 16 adn arrested for posession of marijuana and cocaine, put in a diversion program. 18 and arrested for loitering and prowling and got that dropped becasue i was lost. but "looked suspicious" and i was 19 and arrested for possesion of a suspended drivers liscence. plus a speeding ticket. i really wanna become a police officer. i am disciplined, book smart, and street smart, and i want to help people, and ,make a difference in our society. please help me i made mistakes wen i was a kid but i really wanna see if i can do this!

Anyone here agree its a myth that the Roman Legions was a professional Military Force?

You are correct that the behavior of modern professional soldiers and that of Roman soldiers is different as these are different times So when looking at mutiny you need to ask why they happened before saying the fact they happend is proof the Romans were not professionals after the Marius reforms. One of the biggest issues with the late republic is the fact various factions in the government would end up fighting eachother-for example Pompeii vrs Gius Julius Ceaser which resulted in the empire. However I would still call them professionals for their time.

How much trouble will i get in?

i was arrested recently for petit larceny and criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th degree. i am 20 years old and this is the first time i have ever been in trouble with the law. i just want to get an idea of what might happen to me. i didnt need to pay bail or anything, they just released me after they fingerprinted me and did all the paper work. is jail possible or since its my first time will it most likely not be that bad? any input is greatly appreciated. thanks!

Will i be going too jail?? please give me advice and 10 points too best answer?

from what you described, I would not think you would get any jail time.. $7 worth of scrap metal? The other point is how you entered the building, what signs were posted, etc... I would plead guilty if I were you and then just tell them that it appeared to be garbage to you and you didn't see any signs ( right?) saying that it wasn't garbage. The main point is that you entered a building.. thats the sticky point.. unless the building is run down, no doors, wide open, etc.. just my 2 cents worth..also if your first offense, and you are are sorry for your actions, might go better.. at least if the situation is what you described..

I need some help with a case?

if someone loaned their car to someone, and the car gets stolen from the person who has the car, can he be charged with embezzlement? he already got charged but idk if theres a way to fight that case. and also the guy filed a report stating he BELIEVES his laptop got stolen by the same person that he had loaned the car to, and they tryin to pin him for grand larceny from a dwelling house. is there anyone who can help me out with this please? i'm calling his lawyer tomorrow to discuss this matter, but just wanna know what you guys think.